Minister Avcı speaks to Habertürk Tv  
Minister Avcı speaks to Habertürk Tv

Minister Avcı speaks to Habertürk Tv

Minister of National Education Nabi Avcı appeared live on the “Doğru Açı Özel” (Correct Angle- Special) news program on Habertürk TV

Minister Avcı speaks to Habertürk Tv

Minister Avcı answered the questions concerning important topics at the news program prepared and hosted by Belkıs Kılıçkaya.

Here are the highlights of Minister Avcı’s statements:


“The incidents we have experienced show what this structure and the central authority it is attached to means for Turkey and the World”

“We know that these schools (schools of the Gülen movement) according to their reflections in Turkey were primarily used as PR instruments. Every effort in the education field is respected and recognized in the whole World, especially in Turkey. However, Turkey as a nation and a state provided every support in its power during the establishment and development of these schools. Due to this reason, it is necessary to once more underline the fact that these schools are not the property of a single person as these schools were the institutions founded for education purposes and supported by Turkey as they were reflecting the voice of the country in the world. It is not possible for a German school, a French school, an American school, an English school in Turkey and in any part of the world to become a part of any conspiracy or plot against their own political authority. They might not be directly involved in such activities but due to their place in the whole they are involved in different functions. But as a result, the incidents we have experienced show what this structure and the central authority it is attached to means for Turkey and the World”


“Schools were founded with the labor and support of our nation”

“Every school has a special condition that varies according to the country and that country’s relations with Turkey; for example there are some schools which were established with the reference, support or proposal of the Republic of Turkey. There were some schools which found the opportunity to develop especially in Turkish Republics in Central Asia, Balkans and some other places under the auspicious of the Turkish state and all were founded with the labor and support of our nation.


“We have received complaints from the authorities”

“We have been receiving complaints from the authorities that these schools were acting inappropriately functioning especially in the Turkic Republics, in other words in Asia. Authorities already took some measures before conveying their complaints to our state. Before the beginning of their complaints, some question marks were raised from time to time. In one of my previous statements, I especially remember mentioning an important issue concerning a school in the Maldives, we have intervened the transfer this school to an Australian entrepreneur or group by the local authority. During that time, I wrote a letter to the Education Minister of the country saying that the school was under the protection, auspicious and support of the Turkish state. Not only previous Ministers of National Education but also other state and government officials including late President Turgut Özal provided their positive references regarding the Turkish schools abroad to the various different countries. However, such a reference is not valid from now on… I have serious concerns about how much knowledge the authority or top manager behind the planning of these schools, knows the details of the functions of these schools because when you consider the organizational structure and staff of these schools in different parts of the world, you can see that other countries also have some calculations in these parts. For example, some young people are fulfilling their duties with a good intension and are paid very low salaries while American or any other country’s teachers are also serving in the same schools and holding special passports… It is clearly obvious that some other countries are also willing to benefit or are allowed to be benefit from such a network. Of course, we have to use general statements for now while talking about this issue. Because, I do not say anything that will block the path of any decision we would make in the near future.”


“This structure is making a serious effort to prevent its members obtaining a clear vision of its functions from the beginning”

“People working in these schools or those who have supported these schools in this way or another should clearly see what is going on in Turkey and in other countries, the context of their connections. This structure is making a serious effort to prevent its members obtaining a clear vision of its functions from the beginning. For example, majority of children had the chance to watch television stations other than television channels owned by this structure in the countries they have connections and to choose the program they would like to watch. We know that only their own publications, newspapers, television and radio stations are permitted in the student houses, dormitories and similar establishments and newspapers, radio-television stations of the main stream media is forbidden.”


“There are some who say (where did we go wrong)”

“Even if it is not reflected to the outside, there are some people in the structure including some leading opinion leaders asking themselves “where did we go wrong” or “we were wrong in this or that issue” but unfortunately their voices are not heard and they are especially they are censored.”


“We are designing an Education Foundation, Allah willing it will be to the good of everyone”

“We have to produce a solution for the transformation of each and every school and institution.  We are aiming at their transformation in an effort to turn these institutions into schools providing real education and become neutral enough to represent Turkey. It is clearly seen that there is a need for institutionalization within this framework. We already conducted a study concerning this issue. We have discussed it in detail during the Cabinet meeting. We have concentrated on a structure organized as a foundation which will function in the whole world with a foundation status and will have the flexibility to suit the social, political, judicial conditions of local authorities of the various different countries and to have local connections. Its name will be “Maarif (Education) Foundation” as the word Maarif will not cause any alienated reference in our country and especially in the Arabic speaking countries as well its comprehensive meaning including knowledge, wisdom and learning. Due to these reasons, we will name it Education Foundation, Allah willing it will be to the good of everyone.”


“These services cannot be carried out by staff with civil servant status and mentality”

“The foundation is necessary for the employment of staff who will be able to adopt to the requirements and conditions of that school, these services cannot be carried out by staff with civil servant status and mentality. The staff who would be appointed to fulfill these duties should be full of idealism; I am not trying to say that there is no idealism in civil servants but it is not possible to determine which staff is idealist and which one is not during the regular bureaucratic appointment process of civil servants. As a result, you consider their period in service, university grades and objective criteria which is required for the position during civil servant appointments, these are the correct and valid evaluation criteria for the bureaucratic structures. But, it is not possible to expect these staff to make additional sacrifices while fulfilling their duties, in other words it would be nice if they do but you cannot expect them to make sacrifices. People feel morally satisfied when they accomplish bureaucratic duties but you cannot expect them to do more than what is defined as their jobs. But this field requires serious sacrifice, special attention and devotion to the issue and especially working in a foreign land.”


The foundation will employ the staff

“Employment shall be provided via the foundation, this will allow us to deal with issues such as salary problems concerning schools abroad easily. The foundation structure also allows local authorities of these countries to appoint local staff.”


“Turkey was actually facing a serious scam in its politics, economy and international relations and thanks to Allah this was prevented. National Education was a part of it.”

“It is not possible to understand and evaluate how National Education was affected if we isolate the issue from what has happened and done in Turkey. It is seen and we continue to  see that there was a serious scam in Turkey and the source of this scam was not national and local and not based on interior dynamics and it has various different connections. Turkey has gone through a serious threat. In other words, a conspiracy which began with ground checks before February 7 and increased its tone in the aftermath and reached its peak by using the transformation of prep schools as a reason to develop new strategies. The goal of this conspiracy is not limited with only the government. Turkey was actually facing a serious scam in its politics, economy and international relations and thanks Allah this was prevented. National Education was a part of it, maybe it is only a small part of it but it can be easily fixed, corrected and rectified. What is seen in National Education is only the tip of the iceberg.”


“When you involve children in something you want to organize, then you go beyond being a school”

“Parents would of course want their children to get a good education. They adopt a warm approach to structures and institutions which they believe will provide good education and they do not feel the necessity to find any other intention hidden behind it. This is normal and this is how the normal human mentality works. You do not have to be suspicious about a school and nobody can blame you for not being suspicious about them. After what has been experienced and amid this transformation process, if you force children studying in your schools to wake up in the middle of the night and make them open multiple tweet accounts in order to send similar tweets, in other words try to involve children in something you organized, this means that you are no longer an education institution. Many people should see this and some already did. We see that many people especially those who are closely involved in this structure are trying not to allow those who are providing support to the education institutions with good intensions believing that they are performing an act of charity and ordinary families watch certain media organs and certain television stations and try to control them with imposing moral pressure…  We also see that there is an interior power struggle going on inside this structure. In other words, it was inevitable. As far as I can see, interior micro power centers who want to have a say in this structure in the future are trying to act with caution towards each other.”


“We use the parallel structure term in order to define the parallel education system organized as independent prep schools”

“We use the parallel structure term in order to define parallel education system organized as independent prep schools. These courses which at first were founded in order to support and revamp school tuition and help children understand the subjects better tried to replace schools by overshadowing school education. And when teachers, parent started to see this situation as normal and neglect school education with the belief that prep courses would also focus on these issues, the situation became serious. One of the leading reason of this situation was the Placement test (SBS) system based on a single examination held once in a year and according to this system, the score children received in this test was final. The system based, designed and organized on a single test allowed the prep courses to grow. We lifted the SBS and we did not replace it with a single test. Instead of a system based on a single exam, we are conducting written examinations for different classes throughout the ordinary school term. One of the examinations conducted for six main courses are sent, controlled and evaluated by the placement center.”


“A major illusion”

“This was actually a major illusion. If you are convinced that you would walk better with a walking stick even if you do not need any orthopedic device, then the producer of the walking stick would make a great profit. This was like that. Now, we have changed the system. You go to school, participate in your regular courses and listen to your school teachers. Teachers will follow the curriculum and teach according to the schedule. You will answer the questions correctly which is asked from the lessons taught during the school term.


“We want to share the pressure on state schools with the private schools”

“The law foresees that education institutions functioning under the banner of a prep course would be able to continue their activities until September 1, 2015. Before this date, the prep courses should make a choice; they would either transform into a kindergarten or formal type of primary, secondary private schools. According to the OECD figures and world average, the percentage of our private schools is less than our state schools. And we want to share the pressure on state schools with the private schools.”


“If their intensions are good and if they really want to contribute to education, here is their chance”

“Many classrooms, education material, teacher and equipment in the prep courses are available. It is possible for a prep course to become a private school with a proper reconstruction. The legal framework and regulations allow prep schools which are not in the position of immediate transformation to private schools can meet the existing criteria developed for private schools during a certain period. We allow some prep schools to fulfill the physical infrastructure conditions required for private schools in 3 years’ time. In addition, we are offering land to prep schools which will transform into private schools. We are paying a certain amount of money, in other words scholarships for every student. We have made an amendment in this issue, too. In the past, we were providing private school support varying between TL 2,500 to 3.500 for every school which was transferred to private schools from state schools. But now, students studying in private schools have the right to apply for this scholarship without the condition of being transferred from a state school. If their intensions are good and if they really want to contribute to education, here is their chance. We will support your physical and educational infrastructure conditions, student application for your transformation into a private school.”


6 year long continuous or non-continuous premium payment condition

“Teachers who have served in the current prep course with the condition of having 6 yearlong continuous or non-continuous premium payment condition will have the right to be employed in the private schools or institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education such as in the support courses of Public Training Centers. Their premium payments might be non-continuous as we have seen many of these prep courses involved in serious labor exploitation, of course I am not referring to all prep courses. So, if you put the condition of continuous payment of their social security premiums, you would see that none of the teachers would be eligible to be employed in private or state affiliated education institutions. Their premium payments are non-continuous. They were employed for 8 months and then dismissed for another 8 months. If their premiums are not paid for 6 years continuously or non-continuously, we will focus on a different employment formula. They might be employed with a different status or in different educational institutions.


“The reason that lies behind our move is not to refer children who did not make their choice to any of the state schools is the TL 3,500 state allowance that will be paid to students who would be transferred to private schools from state schools which will be implemented for the first time this year”

“We know that there were some problems in the placement made according to the results of Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) Exam. The reason might be the fact that it was used for the first time or people misunderstood some points or maybe our failure to explain it properly. First of all, according the conditions required last year, every student who would apply to private schools must have been registered in one of the state schools. Due to this reason, students who would pass from primary to secondary education should enter the e-school system application to make their school choices. Children entered the system and chose 15 schools located in various locations in Turkey and among different school types. There are approximately 1 million and 300 thousand students in every grade. So, there are 1 million and 292 thousand children, let’s say 1 million and 300 students who completed the 8th grade and would pass the 9th grade. 1 million and 57 thousand out of 1 million and 300 thousand children entered the e-school application and made 15 choices and the rest did not. You may ask why more than 200 children did not enter the application and make preference. Because, they want to go either attend the open secondary school or go to a private school. They said, “I am not going to go to the state school, that’s why I didn’t make a choice as I will go to that or this private school.” Probably, majority of them already finished the primary school section of a private school and continued their education in the secondary education section of the same private school. But despite fact, we referred these students to a state school in our system. We were asked why we had done this and refer some of these students to imam-hatip schools and blamed for sending these students to imam-hatip schools by force.”


“None of the students were forced to be placed in a school they did not want to be enrolled”

“The reason that lies behind our move is not to refer children who did not make their choice to any of the state schools is the TL 3,500 state allowance that will be paid to students who would be transferred to private schools from state schools which will be implemented for the first time this year. This year, we have lifted the condition of being registered in a state school in order to be transferred to the private school. We are amending the regulation. If you are already enrolled in a private school, you can apply for state support. The fact about the claim that some students are forced to be placed in any of the imam-hatip schools can be explained like this: The number of students who elected imam-hatip schools as their first choice was 94 thousand. Only 54 thousand of them were qualified to be enrolled in imam-hatip schools, meaning that 40 thousand students were not placed in the imam-hatip schools although it was their first choice. There is a serious demand for some imam-hatip schools especially the ones located in the big cities. 500 students apply for a school having 300 student quota. I believe that imam-hatip schools are 7 percent of all our schools and 8 percent of all students are studying in these schools. As you can see, none of the students are forced to be placed in schools they do not want to be enrolled. Moreover, students have the right to make necessary changes via the e-school application.”


“It is not possible to place a student in one of the imam-hatip schools if he did not choose to be enrolled in this type of school”

“Students are making 15 choices at the e-school application and we also list 6 different school types in the system and these are; Anatolian schools, science high schools, social sciences high schools, Anatolian imam-hatip schools, Anatolian vocational schools and multi-programmed schools. Students should choose 4 types in which they want to be enrolled. So, it is not possible to place a student in one of the imam-hatip schools if he did not choose to be enrolled in this type of school. Every student is placed according to the type of school they choose. We also established provincial transfer commissions for the students who were placed in schools far away from their homes. So, either the child or the parent can apply to the commission for the transfer of the student to a closer school.”


We increased the number of student choices

“As I told earlier, last year students were allowed to make 15 choices, this year, they will have to make 25 choices. They will not choose the school type, this year. They will be placed in one of their 25 choices and those who are placed could go to private schools or open schools.”


Exaggrated score claims

“Mainly, school counselors deal with complaints. Teachers’ Board could not deal with all complaints. We might object to the decisions of Teachers’ Boards. We might be right in many of our decisions. But I am not going to say that, all the actions and decisions of the Teachers’ Boards are correct but a majority of them are correct. Of course, they can also make some mistakes. We have been receiving complaints that scores of students are exaggerated. When we receive such a complaint, we immediately open an investigation about this claim. TEOG results are used as evidence during these investigations. If there is a big difference between the scores received in TEOG and the grade average provided by the school, for example the average score in the test conducted by us is 40 while the score average mentioned by the school is 60, then there is a problem that requires deeper investigation. These are objective data.”


Teacher appointment figures

“We are going to appoint 15 thousand teachers in February. In addition to this figure, we will make the appointments of 300 disabled teachers. Teachers from 108 different branches will be appointed. 1.430 English teachers, 1.322 grade teachers, 1.050 primary school math teachers, 1.040 religion culture and moral knowledge, 910 Turkish, 900 pre-school, 750 guidance, 750 science and technology, 700 Turkish language and literature, 700 math teachers including 300 disabled teachers will be appointed in this month.”


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